Sunday 9th February – 1 Timothy 6.11-21

These final verses of Paul’s letter to Timothy are less about what we are to flee, and much more about what we are to pursue. Life for the Christian is not a list of “Don’ts”. It is about pursuing and taking hold of the treasure that God has given us: the life that is truly […]
Sunday 2nd February – 1 Timothy 6.1-10

Paul teaches how Christian slaves in the 1st century could reconcile their new-found freedom in Christ with their continued life of bondage. How does this dilemma touch our lives in the 21st century? The passage goes on to warn us about those whose desire seems to be to use “godliness” as a means to get […]
Sunday 19th January – 1 Timothy 5.1-16

Sometimes, when we read a Bible passage, we may find ourselves thinking, “Well, that isn’t really relevant to my situation. Let me find something more interesting.” However, Joshua 1 v 8 tells us to meditate daily on all of God’s Word. Today’s passage contains instructions to the first century church about caring for widows. How does […]
Sunday 5th January – 20/20 vision (If only!)

We have now entered into the ‘20s. The previous 20s decade – a century ago – came to be described as the Roaring 20s. The 1920s were almost frenetic, in terms of economic growth, social life and entertainment, but what will this new “20s” decade bring? Will 2020 be a year of peace and calm after the […]
Sunday 15th December – Preparing for Christmas

Christmas Day is perhaps the day of the year that we spend the most time and effort preparing for. (Apart from your wedding day – but that doesn’t come around every single year, does it?). Not only do we prepare for it ourselves, but we find that we are surrounded by lots of other people […]
Sunday 1st December – 1 Timothy 4.11-15

“Set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity”. Paul isn’t telling Timothy to become a plaster saint – he’s telling him to live out his faith follow Jesus as his model. Jesus, whom the Pharisees accused of being “a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and […]
Sunday 24th November – 1 Timothy 4.6-10

When was the last time you had a good workout down at the gym? The fitness club industry is big business, but if Paul’s instructions to Timothy and the Ephesus church were taken seriously by the general population, there might be something of an upset! If we took it seriously and worked out our spiritual muscles, […]
Sunday 17th November – 1 Timothy 4.1-5

False teachers raising their ugly heads, consciences cauterised, taboos on marriage and food… Paul warns Timothy – and us – against all of this. And he encourages us to get to know the Truth really well and to accept God’s bountiful gifts with thanksgiving.
Sunday 10th November – 1 Timothy 3.14-16

Paul writes a very practical letter to Timothy but, nevertheless, he sets everything in the context of the wonder of the mystery that God has revealed in Jesus Christ. Today’s verses are perhaps the doctrinal highpoint of the Epistle. The Apostle sets out two main truths for us to grasp. Firstly, he talks about God’s […]
Sunday 3rd November – 1 Timothy 3.1-13

Here, Paul gives Timothy instructions about members of leadership teams in the church. But don’t switch off if you don’t have any leadership responsibilities, or if you don’t aspire to any. We are all concerned with what God says through Paul’s words. The qualities required are those that every Christian should be developing. (Oh, and there’s […]