Week beginning 21 march – leading to Palm sunday
Bible Reading: John 19:28-37
You were a man of suffering acquainted with grief, loved and despised in equal measure. You understand humanity, know our failings, love us despite the people that we are. When we, like Peter, deny you by word or action, forgive us. When we, like Judas, are tempted to follow a different path, forgive us. When we, like those in the crowd, allow you to be crucified, forgive us. Bring us to the foot of the Cross to stand next to the one who, looking into your eyes, declared, ‘Surely, this is the Son of God.’ Amen
Week beginning 14 March
Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31
You chose a people for your own, to lavish love upon; raised up prophets, priests and kings, to be the nation through which the Messiah would be revealed to the world, and through whom your kingdom would come. You chose this people gathered here to be your children, loved and blessed, forgiven through the One who knew no sin, the King of Glory whose crown was made of thorns, and whose name we raise in worship.
I choose to give you my praise, worship and love in return. Amen
Week beginning 7th March
Bible Reading: Isaiah 58:5-9
It is customary, Lord, to give something up during the season of Lent. What would you have me do without?
I, who have so much. Chocolate? Cream cakes? Wine? Sweets? Swearing? The list is endless and I could give up all those things, for the span of 40 days, quite easily and almost painlessly. But what difference would it make, other than making me feel ‘holier’ than my friend who makes no such sacrifice?
What would you have me do without? I, who have so much. Selfishnes? Envy? Pride? I fear, before I ask, that the answer might be ‘yes’, and the giving up would be all too real, Lord. It would be difficult, painful, sacrificial, a real cross to carry for 40 days. And more?
Lord, give me the wisdom and strength to walk in your paths. Amen
week beginning 28 February
Bible Reading: Lamentations 3:22-33
This is love. Not that You spoke words of comfort, walked with the unclean and unloved, shared wisdom, bread and fish, brought healing into lives and challenged the status quo. This is love. That You spoke the Word of God, walked a painful road to the Cross, shared living water, bread of life, brought Salvation to the world and died for the sake of all. This is love. It is a seed sown in the ground, which germinates, blossoms, and spreads its sweet perfume. Thank you, Lord, for this love. Amen
Week beginning 21 February
Bible Reading: Matthew 4 v 1-1
Father God, Your Word reveals to us a simple truth: that sin entered this world through human folly in believing we could be like You; and permeated history through envy, selfishness and greed. Yet sin, which holds us tight within its grasp, cannot resist a heart that is touched by Your grace through Jesus Christ; cannot contend with Living Water pouring into hearts and souls. Your Word reveals to us a simple truth: that sin is defeated and we can become the people we were always meant to be, by Your grace through Jesus Christ. Amen