Midweek Fellowship

Midweek Fellowship groups meet once a fortnight. Spending a relaxed time with a smaller group of people helps deepen friendships, share experiences of the Christian faith together, and allows us to encourage one another in the faith and in our understanding of the Bible.



Visiting the region? Have a holiday home here? Live here all year round? Attend church regularly in the UK or elsewhere and looking for a “secondary” spiritual home? Exploring church while you have time away from other pressures? Join us.



Young families, retirees, those in between. New in the faith, mature, seeking. English-speaking, French-speaking. Tea-drinkers, coffee-drinkers. Lovers of French wine, teetotal. Contemporary worship songs, hymns. God’s love is what we have in common.



Jesus: the centre of our faith. God’s love, demonstrated in the cross of Jesus and in his resurrection. He has set us free. He transforms lives. Through his Spirit he touches our hearts. He wants to touch yours, too.
Prayer, Worship and Bible Study

Daytime Midweek Fellowship

Tuesdays – Twice a month


Coffee Time


Discussion/Study/Prayer around a theme or bible passage

12:30pm - 2:30pm

Lunch and fellowship