19th August 2018 – Peter’s letters

We know that Peter was bold, passionate – and a bit erratic –  as a disciple of Jesus. But what changes did 30 or so years of ministry bring to his character? This week, Doug Rogers takes a look at Peter as he is revealed in his two letters to the early Church.

12th August 2018 – Nobody loves us better

Love Island, Blind Date, Notting Hill – their version of love is not the kind that the Bible tells us God has for us. A quick look at 1 Corinthians 13 shows us how God loves us, and how we, too, should love.

27th May 2018 – The Openness of God #2

Understanding the openness of God means understanding that there is a distinct difference between God’s plans and the accomplishment (or otherwise) of those plans.

20th May 2018 – The Openness of God #1

Is God unchangeable, all-determining, irresistible; aware of everything that will ever happen; knowing all outcomes? Or is he open;  experiencing the world and responding to what happens in it; a God who relates to and interacts dynamically with human beings? How much of our understanding of God comes from the Bible, and how much from Greek […]

22nd July – Women and children first #2

What is God’s attitude to women? Is He angry with them? Are they less valuable to men in His sight? How has God dealt with women throughout the Bible, and how did Jesus treat women? Riverchurch preach 2018.07.22 Moray McKay

15th July – Women and children first! – #1

Women and children first

Is “Women and children first!” only reserved for shipwrecks and similar emergency situations? In a world (and a Church) that has historically been male- and adult- dominated, what place do women and children have in God’s heart? (See also “Suffer the little children” – 27 February 2017) Riverchurch preach 2018.07.15 – Moray McKay  

8th July – The Church’s Mission

Jesus gave a purpose and mission to the church in general. What is it? And how is Riverchurch seeking to fulfil it in our local cultural context? Riverchurch preach 2018.07.08 – Moray

24th June – The Author of Creation

We’ve been singing about Jesus, the ‘Author of Creation’. The song is based on the first eighteen verses of John’s Gospel, chapter 1. This morning we look at the Bible passages today’s worship songs have been drawn from, and what the songs declare about the Lord Jesus and our relationship with him.  

17th June -Be still and know that I am God – Psalm 46

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